Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stop complaining and buy some plants

On my daily dose of ted, i saw a 4:04 minute talk by a guy called Kamal Meattle, who has figured out an almost exact way to use indoor plants to improve the air quality indoors in a massive massive way. They have demonstrated this in New Delhi, arguably one of the most polluted cities in the world. 
I will type out the recipe for happy indoor air as described by Kamal
3 plants are all it takes to improve air quality. They are
1. Areca Palm
2. Mother-in-laws tongue
3. Money Plant
All very commonly found and meant to survive easily. 
2 Things deeply impressed me about this talk. 
First, guys with non-american and non-scandinavian accents can make fantastic presentations.
And second, an extremely powerful message can be communicated in under 5 minutes. 

Kamal's talk underlines the strength of a short, sweet and powerpacked message and walking the talk. Please go check it out.

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