Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dharma and Indian Elections

Ashok Bankers Ramayana leaves you evaluating every action under the dharma lense. A true soldier of dharma as defined in 2009, Arun Bhatia , is contesting the elections in Pune. 
If Rama was banished and faced many asuras, so has Mr. Bhatia. All we the Puneites can do is give this man what he deserves, more importantly what we need - A true leader and not a dirty vote-bank oriented playing the caste/religion/money card corrupt-to-the-core politician like a certain Suresh K (I am not referring my ex-boss, the dude, who is totally awesome and I believe would make an awesome Prime Minister!)
Most of the well meaning folks in India go to work for MNCs/themselves/anything else rather than get our hands dirty with the politics of India. Self included. What can 1 person do? Might as well take care of myself, country gets my taxes, which they dont deserve anyways. We all lack the stomach and/or the balls to get in the ring.
Arun Bhatia is the man. He gets in, fights the fair fight, even against dirty SOBs such as the aforementioned SOBS who will never fight the fair fight. I desperately hope he wins. I dont think we, the educated middle class, can do shit about it by merely casting our vote.
I propose that we bribe our househelp and close-by poor people to elect Arun Bhatia, just as other politicians are bribing their vote-banks (My talented cousin Kunal explains why here). Mr. Bhatia doesnt have money and has ideals, most of us are the opposite. So lets do this - Tell all the househelp, menial labor everybody we know that we will give them INR 100 or 200 or whatever if they go vote for the Nagara and then Arun Bhatia wins! So possibly they are encouraged to push others as well. Variable performance based compensation!!!!!


Kunal said...

If only A. Bhatia thought like that, he might actually win :)

Hawkeye said...

ROFL! The problem with people with ideals, they tend to be impratical :)